Business client insurance, what is it?

A business client insurance is an insurance policy that covers companies in the event of non-payment by their clients. In summary, if a company has clients who do not pay them, business client insurance takes care of covering the financial losses.

How does business client insurance work?

When a company hires a client insurance, the insurer evaluates the risks of the company’s clients. If it is determined that a client is high risk, the insurer may require the company to establish stricter credit limits or pay a higher premium to cover the additional risk.

In case of non-payment, the company must notify the insurer and provide evidence that reasonable attempts have been made to collect the debt. After the procedures established in the policy have been complied with, the insurer may reimburse the company part or all of the amount of the unpaid debt.

Benefits of business client insurance

The main benefit is protection against non-payment by clients. By having this insurance, companies can operate with greater peace of mind and confidence, as they have a financial safety net in case of non-payment.

In addition, can help companies obtain better credit terms from their suppliers, as it demonstrates that the company is taking measures to protect itself against the risk of non-payment.

Another benefit is that can help companies reduce the time and costs required to recover unpaid debts. Instead of having to pursue delinquent clients on their own, the company can let the insurer handle the collection process.

When should you consider getting business client insurance?

This insurance can be especially useful for companies that sell on credit or depend on a few important clients. It is also recommended for companies that operate in sectors with high rates of non-payment, such as the construction sector.

In general, any company that wants to protect itself against the risk of non-payment and ensure greater financial stability should consider hiring this type of insurance.


Business client insurance is a valuable tool for protecting companies against the risk of non-payment by clients. By having this coverage, companies can operate with greater peace of mind and confidence, and can protect themselves against significant financial losses. If your company sells on credit or depends on a few important clients, it is recommended that you consider getting business client insurance to protect your finances and ensure the financial stability of your business.

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